Jensen, Utah, March 27, 1913 My dear Dr. Holland:- We have returned from our excursion into the Uinta Deposits. I have made measurements and learned much especially concerning the lower and upper beds. My observations however, do not agree with the section of Mr. Riggs concerning some of the middle horizons. I wrote to you about the skeletons of Uinta Titanotheres. I had intended to take Mr. Riggs paper with me but in some way it was left out. I find that he obtained the skeleton of Dolichorhinus, which had not been worked out when he published his paper. The upper beds of the Uinta have been neglected, except the lowest portions, - at least since the early expeditions, although a good deal of our material collected in 1908 probably came from beds which should be placed in the lower portion of the Upper Uinta. I had often said that I believed that the Upper Uinta was somethiing like 2000 to 3000 feet in thickness. I measured