over 1500 feet of it and in the distance could see perhaps 500 to 1000 feet which we could not, at that time, measure. In measuring we found fragments of bones of turtles and mammals up about to the 1200 foot level. It would be interesting to know if the faunae here would approach preceptibly [sic] nearer to those of the lower White river. We had supposed that they were fossiliferous only at the bottom. Near the lower levels of the deposits we found the greater part of the skeleton of a small perissodactyl. We had not thought best to haul plaster around with us and without that we could not take it up properly or we would have brought it with us. I expect to get the papers tomorrow or next day for affadavits of posting notices etc. I will have the witnesses sign these. I expect to go to Vernal Sunday the 30th. The 31st we will fix up the papers for application for proof and April 1st. if I am not fooled I start for the east. I will return by way of my old home