July 24, 1913 Mineral character Register and Receiver Vernal Utah Sirs: In the matter of mineral entry 04764, made April 5, 1913, by Earl Douglass, for the Carnegie Museum palcer claim, survey 6206, the only statement made by claimant, regarding the mineral deposits on this claim, is found in the application for patent, which is "xxx said mining claim containing stone of commerical value, and rock in place and other mineral". This statement is very meager, and insufficient to staisfy the requirements of the regulations under paragraph 60, which provides that if the mineral be a building stone or toehr deposit than gold claimed under the placer laws, claimant must describe fully the kind, nature, and extent of the deposit, stating the reasons why same is by him regarded as a valuable mineral claim. There is given some idea of the nature of the deposit in the report of the mineral surveyor, by the statement that, "This claim is adapted for mining for the fossil remains fo dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals xxx. The ridge, shown