upon the accompanying plat as Fossil Reef, contains fossil remains fo prehistoric animals throughout its entire length upon this claim, but at no other point in such abundance as at the point at which the open cut shown upon the plat is being exacavated". The land appears to be valuable and to be desired chierfly because of the presence of the reamains of the prehistoric animals which may be sold to museums or other parties, probably at a large profit over the cost of removing the substance. There is no mining law under which lands containing such deposits may be located and entered. The placer mining laws, in so far as they relate to deposits of stone, apply to lands valuable for material used in building. The first Assistant Secreatry of the Interior held, by letter, dated March 11, 1912, addressed to the Director of the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg that these deposits in Uintah County cannot be taken under the mining laws or timber and stone laws. Accordingly, in the absence of showing that mineral, sufficient in quantitiy to justify a prudent man to develop a valuable mine, has actually been discovered within the limits of this claim, the entry must be canceled and the location declared null and void. You will allow claimant thirty days from notice within to furnish a further showing as to the mineral character of this claim, in accordance with the above; in default of which, and of appeal, the entry will be canceled without further notice.