September 17, 1913 To the honorable the commissioner of the general land office, department of the interior, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir; Yesterday afternoon I received a letter from Charles De Moisy, Register of the United States Land Office in Vernal, Utah, written by him on August the 21st, containing copy of a letter written by you (Vernal, 04764 "N" CWF). Mr. DeMoisy in his letter notifies me that I will be 'allowed thirty days from the receipt of the notice within which to furnish the required showing or to appeal from the decision of the Commissioner to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior.' In your letter you state that the claim is so "meager and insufficient as not to satisfy the requirements of the regulation under paragraph 60." I now state frankly that the actuating motive in filing this claim was to endeavor to gain possession of this ground so that it might become the property of the Carnegie Museum, for which I for four years have been acting in the field and on behalf of which I have, as the agent of the Museum, expended fully twenty thousand dollars in opening up the quarry and developing the deposti of dinosaurian remains which is found at that spot and which I discovered for the Museum, using in