No. 12, so far as taken out of the rock, consists of good limb- and foot-bones of an undetermined sauropod Dinosaur. It will require comparatively little labor to "clean these up" and this should be done as there is probably more of the skeleton in the rock at Dinosaur Peak. If the bones are of especial interest further excavation should be made. This specimen was not found in the quarry proper but about half way down the slope (east) to Neilson Gulch in the same strata. If it is desired to to get out some Stegosaur - material I think it would be best to begin with No. 39/65 and later take up 39/60. Each of these numbers includes large portions of skeletons of Stegosaurs. If after these are freed from the rock other parts are required for the Mounting of a skeleton the blocks containing No. 102 can be worked out. Yours Truly Earl Douglass