Jensen, Utah, Oct. 3, 1914 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland, I enclose my financial statement for September. Work at the Dinosaur quarry is now in full blast. We have not yet been over to the Uinta on White River. Have not had dynamite until recently and now we are up against such an interesting lot of things in the quarry that I cannot very well leave it at present. Don't know when we can do so. We are now working at a dam of bones where articulated bones have stopped others and they are piled five or six feet deep. So far we have not found much in the extreme west end of the quarry, though but a small portion is stripped to the bone-layer, but the eastern portion of the West Extension is undoubtedly crowded with them in a space about 50 ft. long and 16 ft in hight or width. We do not seem to be getting bones of the old "orthodox" sauropods now, but those of rather unusual members of the group and of a carnivorous Dinosaur -- apparently Allosaurus. We shipped limb bones of the latter in our last shipment and now we are getting a complete hind limb with foot bones articulated, some ribs, which I think belongs with it, and a SKULL -- at least we have both rami of the mandible and part of the skull all close together. The bones of the latter are evidently, in part, disarticulated but I am confident we will get all or nearly all of the skull, though we can never be sure. We have one femur of a sauropod which is about the length of that of our No. 1 but for part of its length it is no larger around than a stove pipe -- say a 6 or 7 inch pipe. By keeping at it we are able to get (so far) everything we need for the quarry. Earlier in the season I do not know how we could have gotten a load of lumber. I am, however sorely in need of my charts, record books etc which were to be sent to me from the Museum by express or parcel post. They may arrive at any time, but in the mean time I would like to know just when they were shipped. Before the end of the Month there will probably be a lumber bill and perhaps two or three smaller bills to pay, but I will let you know the amount to deposit. I am feeling much better. Things will show up rapidly now, and there will probably be more to report. I will try to keep you informed. Yours sincerely, Earl Douglass