Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah My Dear Douglass Your letter of October 3, together with your financial statement appended thereto, has just been received this morning. I am very much interested in what you tell me about the progress of discovery in the quarry. I hope that you will push the work as rapidly as possible, excercising always the necessary care. I note that you have paid Mr. Kay the wages that were due him on the first. I have instructed Mr. Stewart to deposit to the Fiel Account in bank two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars. I rely upon you to excersie as much economy as possible in your expenditures. As long as your work is progressing so favorable at the main quarry the side trip to the White River mammal bed may well be delayed and your decision to stay by the stuff where you are is apparently the best decision under the circumstatnces. I have no news to impart to you in relation to our work here everything is going on as well as could be expected