I hope within the next two or three weeks to begin the transfer of the skeleton of No. 1 to the floor of the Hall of Palenontology, where it is to be permanently mounted. The ribs are turning out very well. There are some parts, however, of the animal which I trust may be found in the packages of material which have been already sent to the Museum or may yet be recovered by you. I refer more particularly to this animal, but we have none of the elements of the sternum proper which much have existed and in the case of so large an animal would probably have existed and in the case of so large an animal would probably have been found fossilized somewhere in the neighborhood in which the sternal ribs were found. These flat pieces, partially uncovered, might have been mistaken for Stegosaurus plates, and may be yet turned up as we clear up our material. It would be a great triumph if we could in the case of these animals work out the obsteology of the sternal region. All that has heretofore been written upon the sternal apparatus of the Sauropods is very little, and nothing is know positively as to this interesting portion of their anatomy. With very kind regards, I am, Yours very truly, Director