Jensen, Utah Oct. 19, 1914 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I received your letter of the 5th day before yesterday. I had written letters to you and Mr. Stewart which you have undoubtedly received ere this. Four of us are now working at the quarry and I may put on another man on part time if I can work him to advantage. Work is progressing nicely and the weather is ideal, still pretty hot in the middle of the day within a few inches of this big sandstone reflector, but its about the best time of the year to work. We have the work in nice shape. The cut runs now entirely through the peak or hill and track through -- except one length. We can now take dirt or bones through on out -- either way. The east end of the West Extension -- 50 ft long by about 16 ft which is evidently full of bones and skeletons. We are operating on the top and one end and expect soon to be operating on the other end. Much of the