In a private letter like this, the information which we try to give would be incomplete if we did not indicate our hopes and prospects of unseen things. So I will give them sometimes when I think they will be interesting though sometimes they are not yet certain enough for publication. We continue to find bones, -- ribs etc of Allosaurus and are wondering where we will find the spinal column for I have good hopes of finding it. It looks as if it would be a prize indeed if we find it west of line 112. It probably would be in some such condition as 160 but far below the weathered zone. The boys have just found a rib of it there. This western portion of the west extension is about 50 ft long. This portion as I said is different from the eastern part and, I imagine was a bend in the river. Will probably understand it better before we get through it. It is nice and easy to work while the eastern portion of the West Extension is much of it quite hard.