We have not yet worked down to the skeleton which we left two years ago running into the east side of the West Extension, the one with the short caudals -- shortening toward the end. No. 130, so we can not give any new information about that but hope to before long. As I look at it the prospects are nothing but encouraging. If there are "disappointing disappointments" there are undoubtedly pleasant surprises and we have good chances to find just the things we long had sought -- the things which are the real object of the expedition. The boys wish to be remembered to you.Oct. 22. We have things so arranged now that we do not often go to P.O. so this letter remains unmailed. I have your letter of the 12. Am glad things are progressing there. They are moving nicely here. We open up something new nearly every day. As you infer it would be unwise for me to leave quarry now. I must be right here. E. Douglass