men the extra price and let them board themselves especially in a place where it is so hard to get provisions. It seems now that we will ship a larger percentage of bones and less matrix than heretofore. On account of there being so many bones and often piled so close together it takes lots of "pecking away" with pick, hammer, chisel and awls so the work in one way is slow. Most of the teeth of the "Brontosaurus" mandible had come out of the sockets before inhumation and are scattered near.We have not yet got to where we can tell any more about the Allosaurus skull. We are only certain that we have the lower jaw. There is another bone near which may or may not be a bone of the skull. If not we may get an articulated skull. Apparently the Diplodocus No. 160 will be far more complete than the basis of our mounted skeleton -- in fact it seems to be nearly all in sight, practically, except whip or smaller portion of tail. I forgot to say that the last hind limb of Allosaurus with