Carnegie Museum Dinosaur Quarry Jensen, Utah Nov. 18, 1914 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I have your letter of the 11th. The lower jaw of "Brontosaurus" is ready to be packed and boxed. I will have a strong box made, and as soon as we get our packing-hay I will have it boxed and forwarded to you as you request. As it is quite heavy I will ship by freight unless I receive word that you want it immediately. The jaw very evidently did not belong to the same individual as the skeleton which you are mounting (No.1). It was about 80 feet farther west and not in the same layer. Lying above the regular bone-layer -- the one which contains the skeletons -- is a band containing many pieces and water-worn fragments of bone. We have very seldom, if ever before, found anything worth saving in this band. It was in a band, similar to this -- lying a considerable distance above the bone-layer, that we found the mandible of the supposed Brontosaurus.