So much for facts. Now a few words of myth or speculation. I have believed two things for which I could not give or formulate sufficient reasons, to convince any careful, scientific Gradgrind who subsists only on facts and other indigestible things. I dont know whether it was intuition or mere whim but I have believed that we would find a skull of Brontosaurus and that near the western part of the quarry we would find a great big Dinosaurs. It looks now that we are beginning to get some confirming evidence. When I saw the big vertebrae I have mentioned I couldnt help thinking of the story my father tells of an excitable but irreverent boy he knew in "York State". He came in from the garden one day saying: "Jesus Christ the Devil, What a damn great big toad!" It seems to me that a radius and ulna which we suppose belongs to No. 165 are rather long. They are about 3 1/2 ft. We also have scapula, humerus etc. and now we have probably struck the other femur.