Dec. 2, 1914 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I enclose financial statement for November. I had requested a deposit of $350. There are some bills yet to come but I overlooked $60 I had paid two of the boys before end of month. However, what balance there may be will make it lighter next month. I think too that I will secure some more lumber for it is doubtful if I can get it later in the season. On the other hand I can very readily dispose of any surplus. Last spring and summer it was impossible to get any considerable amount of lumber. I think it was so in the winter too. Some time ago you expressed a desire to find sternal bones of Brontosaurus. Two or three days ago we found a bone lying above about the 4th or fifth rib of a medium-sized sauropod No. 210. We know nothing about the genus or species. The animal was lying on the right side and all the ribs on this side were articulated apparently.