December 3, 1914 Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah. My Dear Douglass;- I avail myself of the first opportunity in the midst of the business rush to acknowledge your several communitcation which I have recently received and which I find most interesting. I am glad that you are doing so well in the matter of the discovery of new material calculated to throw light upon the problems before us. I am particularly interested in what you tell me about the skulls which you are finding. The fact that you are able to announce the articulation of one of the skulls you have uncovered with the cervical column would be of greater intereste did it relate to another form than what you determine as Dipplodocus. I am quite sure form my investigation of the subject and reading of what has been written as weel as examination of the type of material, together with correspondence with Williston and others, that no error has been made in the association of the skull of Diplodocus with the skeletal reamins which have been attributed to it. The question of what kind of a heas this Diplodocus carried I think has been pretty will settled. I however, have the impression, as I