As 210/10, 210/12 & 210/12a were found near the "chest-portion" of the body cavity of the sauropod Dinosaur No. 210 and as you expressed yourself as being anxious to get more light on the sternal apparatus of the sauropods I thought it the wise thing to ship these with the skull, neck and jaw. I will send diagrams of position of possible sternal bones, and large mandible. As I said before we appear to be getting little material of the well-known dinosaurs. It looks to me now that nearly all the material will make permanent additions to science. The skeleton No. 150 is very Diplodocus-like but as I have remarked it seems not to be the species with which we are acquainted. I am not sure yet whether the skull and cervicals which I have shipped to you under the number 220 belong with No. 150 or not.