I hope that the specimens which we shipped reached you safely. As I have stated several times before we seem to be duplicating very little material. As Kay says "Hardly any of the bones look familiar". Partly uncovered bones are all the time puzzling us and I sometimes think that past experience with them hasnt helped us much, so far as the determination of genera and species are concerned but of course the large dinosaurs are all pretty much in the haze and mist so far as distinctions of species is concerned as you are well aware. We sometimes think that we must be finding a great variety of sternal bones as those are supposed to be about the only elements of the skeletons not now known. Our supposed Diplodocus must be quite different from Diplodocus Carnegieii [sic] as, so far as I can see nearly every bone looks somewhat different. For example the first (or second) chevron is not like [sketch] but more like this [sketch].