Jensen, Utah, Feb. 26, 1915 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- "The hump" is going down fast now. Most of 150 is out except anterior portion of neck. Cannot say yet whether No. 220 of which we sent you skull and anterior vertebrae belongs with 150 or not. We have another block of 220 out with 4 cervicals in it. If these belong with 150 as they may we have all but two or three of the cervicals out with skull. It is very apparent that the long neck marked as 150 does not belong with this skeleton. This neck is evidently one half longer than that of Diplodocus which you have mounted. We have a connected series of 5 cervicals which measure between 14 and 15 ft. There are three more which are between 8 and 9 ft. Another separate vertebra 2 3/4 to 3 ft. Another 2 1/2 ft or a little more.