March 1, 1915 My Dear Douglass;- In reply to your letter of February the 19th I wished to say that I shipped to you on FRiday the carbon paper which you require. I was unable to get any carbon cloth in Pittsburgh, and this paper, Size 20x30", was the largetst which could be obtained. In regard to future shipments, I wish to say that the last shipment came through at a second class rate, in accordance with the published schedule; - fossils in rock less than carload lots are seond class. I received a vist to-day from Mr. Anderson, Freight Agent for the Rock Island Lines in Pittsburgh, calling my attention to the matter which you suggest. I think the whole thing hinges on the cost fo transportation form the quarry to Craig, and haw taken steps at thsi end to find out what this cost will amount to. There is no immediate hurry. I have to-day deposited your salary in the Oakland Savings and Trust Company for the moth of February, and not having heard form you have placed $250, to the credit of the fiel account. Dr. Holland has requested me to say that he will write to