Dr. W. J. Holland, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dear Doctor Holland: This is to acknowledge your telegram under date of September 16th, which I now confirm: "Pittsburgh, Pa. September 16, 1915. Thos. W. O'Donnelll Vernal Utah Take necessary steps at once to secure re-opening of our case, and reverse of decision of the Assistant Secretary. The time is short, act quickly." Sgd. W.J. Holland. In accordance with the said telegram I have this day transmitted Motion for re-hearing and Brief in the case, to the Secretary of the Interior, a copy of which I am forwarding to you herewith. I believe that I present this matter in such a light that the Secretary will grant our motion, and it may be that the may be impressed enough with the matters submitted to order oral argument thereon. In any evernt, I am of the opinion tha the claim comes clearly within the mining laws, and patent should be allowed therefor. Very truly yours, O'Donnell