Camp Near White River, Utah Oct. 25, 1915 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- We are now camped on the high rim of rocks which overlooks Wagonhound Canon and its branches. We are a half mile or more west of the stage road. We have now been at work at the Titanothere Quarry about three days. Have finished taking out the skeleton of the Dolichorhinus which I have told you about. Evidently the spinal column is articulated from head to tail and the ribs on both sides articulated with the dorsals. It seems to me to be a "magnificent specimen". The bones are much better than I thought. They come out in good sized blocks of sandstone which, with the exception of some hard concretions around skulls and perhaps some other bones, will, I think, work beautifully.