We have a large amount of rock to remove but it will come down rapidly as the conditions are all favorable. We left things at the Dinosaur Quarry in fine shape. All the bones boxed marked, addressed and piled up in shape ready for loading except three or four boxes of the bones last taken out. We have not boxed any of the last Brontosaur-like skeleton, but got out a quite a number of limb bones and ribs. I never saw the bones of a large Dinosaur come out in such nice shape. The prospect of our getting the remainder of the skeleton of the huge Dinosaur is, in my judgment, excellent. There is a persistent report in the newspapers that President Wilson, by proclamation has made the Dinosaur Quarry a National Monument. As I have had no notification of the fact from any authority I am in the dark as to how this, if true, will effect [sic] the Carnegie Museum and our work at the quarry.