Jensen, Utah, Dec. 10, 1915 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Your letter of Nov. 30 rec'd. It has annihilated the last sane theory I had to explain recent action concerning the quarry here, so I give it up. But the thing has been fully decided and I understand there is no appeal in heaven or earth -- unless it be to the Emperor of Germany. I cannot understand how the president could do such a thing without giving the director of the museum -- who has shown such an interest and directed so much work here -- a hearing in the matter. It seems to me that we had such a plain case, and what we wished to do comes so plainly under the letter of the law that the decision, were it a case in court, would hardly be doubtful; and I can see no reason for "turning it down". But it has become wholly a