So I suppose we will need a new "special" permit, yet probably our doing some work pending the granting of the permit would not endanger our chances, though Mr. O'Donnell hardly things it would best. It will take several days, however to get our boxes moved and I will probably hear from you again. Then, too, there is quite a little other work to do preparatory to resuming operations at the quarry. Your physical condition is a matter of sympathy and concern to us, but we hope you are now feeling well again, and that you will take the best care of your health so that you may enjoy life and be spared as long as possible. We are having an epidemic here, which probably is some relative of the la grippe. It is making a thorough sweep of the country. My father is in a very bad condition at present and we cannot tell how it will go with him. In haste. Will send this and probably write more soon. Earl Douglass