December 13, 1915 Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah My Dear Mr. Douglass;- Your various communications and telegrams have been received and their contents noted with interest. I herewith enclose the receipt for which you ask, and trust that you will secure the refund of the two hundred dollars and see that the amount is remitted to me here. In your letter you tell me that you cannot conceive through whose agency things have been brought to the point to which they have been brought. You say that you can guess. You also inform me that you know there are other peopel who would like to get into this quarry for awhile. Will you not inform me as to what you guess and as to what you know in reference to this matter. I think I ought to have more definite information than a mere assertation that you guess and think you know who are these designing parties who machinations against our institution and activities I may have to meet. You leave me completely in the dark. Immediately upon receipt of your copy of the letter of the First Assistant Secretary of the Interior, informing you that our