Jensen, Utah, Dec. 24th 1915 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I have your letters of Dec. 13th and 16th, also receipt for money paid on rejected mining claim. It is true that I have been guessing for several weeks but, as I said in my last letter, I had given it up. At times I have surmized, of late, that there might be a plot developing, somewhere in this region, to get some of our treasures. I recently made a trip to Vernal, partly for the purpose of finding out more with regard to the matter. It was reported to me, before I had seen the paper, that there was a statement in the Vernal Express that private parties had made an effort to get possession of the land on which the Dinosaur Quarry is located. After I had read the thing over two or three times, the truth came to me and like Mrs. Maleprop I said: "Why that's me.."