If we were slow in making an application it might be inferred that we were ready to quit, then application might be made by those who wished to get material for the state museum, with a good prospect of success. The people of Utah have shown an unusual interest in the "finds" here. Perhaps there is a little more than an average of state pride here also. Hundreds, if not thousands of people from this and other states have visited the quarry. In one day last fall about sixteen autos were here when a delegation visited the basin from Salt Lake City. In my opinion it is utterly impossible to do work of this kind here without it becoming public. The more you try to suppress it the more they will try to find out, and the more exaggerated -- the less truthful -- the report. Imagine trying to found an institution like the Carnegie Museum without publicity! It would be just about as impossible for me to keep things mum at this end as for you to keep them quiet there. In this age of crazy newspapers and worse magazines one can't hide a big museum "under a bushel". Of course it is a physical and moral impossibility for a newspaper reporter