off a little to one side of my story. Perhaps the last two pages ought to have been put in a foot-note. It is not necessary at present to give any names but one gentleman of Salt Lake City has talked with me and has written about the matter above referred to. My communication with him has been only in a friendly way, and, as I have told him entirely unofficial as I had nothing whatever to do with the disposal of specimens. I gave him something of an idea of the large amount of money it would take to prepare and mount a skeleton if they could be sure of receiving one. Then if they could get the backing in money, intelligence and prestige, the only way I knew was to present the matter, personally if possible to Dr. Holland and see if there were any duplicate skeletons, or parts of skeletons which he would be willing that they should have. I told him that such matters would doubtless be decided according to your word and judgment.