preservation were recovered, mostly in large massive blocks so that the bones were comparatively little disturbed. These remains were apparently all of one species of Dolichorhinus, a genus of Titanotheres. The Uinta deposits have been of much interest as their vertebrate remains partly fill the gap in the wonderful series of extinct mammalian faunas found in the West, but the collections have been in some ways disappointing as they consisted mostly of skulls, often distorted or fragmentary, and skeletons far from complete. Previous to this discovery we knew of but one practically complete skeleton of a mammal from the uinta, and this from a much higher horizon. This material is therefore a valuable acquisition to science and a prize to the museum. Other less complete specimens of mammals and some excellent Uinta turtles were also found on this expedition. The party returned from the trip on the 27th of November. On the 7th of October