April 13, 1916 Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen Utah My Dear Sir;- I have received your letter of April 4 and wish to say that I depostied the usual amount of three hundred dollars on the first of the month to the Field Account and also you own salary. Your Field Account was overdrawn last month a few dollars, which I made good by an extra deposit of fifty dollars which I made good by an extra deposit of fifty dollars on March the 13th. I do not know how this occured. The Auditor has not had a chance to go through your account yet, but we will notify you when we discover the error. In regard to the Receiver's receipt. I never saw this paper, Doubtless it was turned over to the Doctor. I know he said something to me about it, but I am unable to help you in the matter. I am, yours very sincerely, Assistant to Director