Jensen, Utah, April 27, 1916 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland, Kay and I are taking down the last Apatosaurus No. 240. So far there are taken down or partly in sight about 15 ribs, 2 scapulae, 1 Fem. 1 Hum. 1 Fib. 1 Ilium, 1 Isch. 1 Pub. 8 to 10 Toe Bones 6 or more Cervicals, about 15 to 20 caudals, and some dorsals coming into view. So far most of the bones have been taken up separately. No matrix (or little) to ship or work off when bones arrive at laboratory. Of course Dorsals and caudals will be in blocks. As I told you before we had to go back and deepen the cut as the skeleton is going down to far to recover it all without. Men are at work at that. As I have before stated the bones seem the most satisfactory we have found. We put in a few days on the road soon after snow went off. Put in culverts in good shape when ground was in right condition. We had to do it. Were shut out, or in for several weeks. We have permanent road out now.