the poison under any circumstances. Our financial statement amounts to $6872.08. This is somewhat less than in former months. The cheif items of expense have been $565 for alcohol, which Dr. Eigenmann continues to consume in large quantities, and a bill for $246, from Murdock, Keer & Co. for printing the Annual Report; also a bill for $412, from the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company for glass needed for the new exhibition cases and for Griffin's Opalite glass. Everything is going as well as could be expected at the Museum and there is no occasion for you to come home. I hope you will stay as long as possible and enjoy yourself. I suppose you received the communication from Henry Blackwell which I sent you some time ago. Blackwell seems very hard up for money, but the number of volumes sent him to be bound by the Museum did not justify a payment of the amount which he requested. There are only a few people of our staff away on vactions now Miss Gittings, Prentice Tood, and Love. All the others have returned to their jobs and the work is going as usual. I am, yours sincerely, DouglasStewart