Jensen, Utah, Nov. 4, 1916 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- Night before last we had what I believe will prove to be a fortunate accident at the quarry. We had extended the cut to where we hoped to begin to find portions of the huge skeleton 150B, but had not yet gone into the bone layer there and it is apparently well that we did not do so. We expected to get out the Stegosaurus skeleton and then excavate eastward on the "bone-layer", but yesterday morning we were surprised to find, when we came up to work, that nearly all the river-sandstone on the west end of the hill had slidden "sleek and clean" from the underlying soft shaly clay into the cut. The mass which slid down was about 50 feet east and west by a maximum of 65 feet up and down or in the direction of the dip of the rock. The structure of the rock in the west