December 19, 1916 Mr. Earl Douglass, Jensen, Utah My Dear Douglass: - I have no doubt that ere this you have received the copy of the blue print I sent you together with copies of my letter to Dr. Walcott and to the Secretary of the Interior. On Saturday last I received from Dr. Walcott a very kind note in which he tells me that it has given him pleasure to recommend to the Secretary of the Interior that permission to carry on our work during the year 1917 be granted to us. So that settles the fact, and I trust there will be no interruption to the work on account of any doubt in your mind as to whether we have or have not the right to proceed. Under separate cover I am sending you to-day a little token of my regard, which I hope may come safely to hand. With the best wishes of the season to you and to your family, I am, as ever, Very sincerely your friend, Director Carnegie Museums