October 3, 1917 Dear Doctor Holland: Thank you for the trouble you have taken in the matter of geologic locality of the Parahippus minimus type. In the original descritpion of the species (1899, p.27) Douglas attributes the type and paratype to "the Loup Fork fromation in the lower Madison Valley. In his table (1899, p.8) he again associates this species with Pretohippus, Procameius, Hipparion, and other fossils typical of the Madison Valley Loup Fork. This is repeated on page 9 of the same publication. Moreover, in his New Vertebrates formt he Montana Teritary" (Carnegie Mus. 1904, p. 153) he describes the "Flint Creek beds" but does not include Parahippus minimus in the list. It is true He omits P. minimus also form the Madison Valley beds list. I conclude, however, that Parahippus minimus definitely belongs in the true Lower Pliocene with other Madison Valley forms and does not belong to the Flint Creek beds, which are perhaps of somewhat older geologic age.