Jensen, Utah, Sept. 11, 1918 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I send with this my field account for August. As I was able to secure some new settlers from the south end of Blue Mt. for a few days at a time to clear away the large amount of rock which had accumulated in the cut, I found it more convenient to have some cash in hand so paid part in cash. I send a separate sheet for reference, which shows how bills were paid and check book and cash balances. I don't know whether it is in exactly the regulation form but it tells the story. We have things cleared for action now. Have got rid of these men who were good workers but couldnot work steadily. Have got regular men who I hope will stay with the thing. Our work now is getting out the remainder of the bones and blocks. Have plenty of lumber on hand and considerable plaster, dynamite etc.