Jensen, Utah, Jan, 5, 1919 Mr. Douglas Stewart Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart:- Your letter, and the blank which Dr. Holland wished me to fill out came last night. I have filled out the latter and am enclosing it with this letter. I noted the deposits, and am very thankful as they were much needed. The subject of greatest interest at the quarry here at the present time is the new Dinosaur, No. 333. It is a small sauropod -- apparently not more than 25 to 30 feet long, but it looks like the best skeleton we have found. It ought to make "beauty" for exhibition purposes and a model for study and comparison. Dr. Holland used to say that headless Dinosaurs were a fasion but our last two specimens are almost complete including skulls ribs etc, and they are undoubtedly new. Since writing last we have found one or two unknown bones with No. 333 which are one of two things, coracoids or something else, and judging from the coracoids which I have seen I surmise they are something else. They suggest the long looked for sternal bones. Then too I think I wrote that there was a break in the tail at about the 11th or 12th caudal, but after a space of about 7 or 8 inches we have traced 22 connected caudals to where they are getting pretty small but they still have chevrons.