Then we will try to get a better understanding of the large one. You may not wish to have it worked out. Sometime ago you asked about the $200 refund on the Carnegie Museum claim -- the amount paid for the land. The papers went in long ago but they had to go to Washington and take their course. you know what that means. I don't know of anything we can do here to hasten the matter. The land office here has no control in the matter. The Register and Receiver have heard nothing yet. A member of the U.S.G.S. while visiting us here last summer said that he thought Washington would never again be the slow sleepy town it has been. I hope he is right. I received the Christmas present which you sent and thank you very much for it. I was surely glad too, to get a little raise in salary. It surely was needed. We are having a fine winter here. Weather down to near zero nights but days usually sunny. The Flu still active. They don't seem to be able to stamp it out.