Jensen, Utah, Feb. 8, 1919 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- As the letter which I wrote you concerning the deposit did not leave here in time to reach you before the beginning of February and as you had undoubtedly made the deposit before it reached you I have credited the usual monthly allowance of $300.00 in my report and on my books. you will not need to deposit more than $150.00 at the end of this month unless something unforeseen occurs. So if you do not hear from me again until the end of the month please deposit that Amt. I shall employ another experienced man if I can get one and am on the lookout for one. I have now two men who are careful. We are taking down the skeleton No. 301 and are right up against particular problems everywhere, so we three will carry the work on until we can get more help. Mishaps will occur but we will try to have as few as possible.