It is undoubtedly going the opposite way from which I supposed. it is I think a complete skull with lower jaw in place. The teeth are very much indeed like those Marsh referred to "Brontosaurus". The right fore limb lacks nothing unless it be some toe bones. Have only uncovered part of the foot. The position of the metacarpals would indicate that these were in an upright position, not sprangled out over the ground as in some restorations. But I'm getting too near Scylla and will steer away if it isn't too late. In working under we have struck the lower end of the left scapula and coracoid and if the Humerus is in position may strike that today. The right Femur (upper, He is lying on his left side) looks as if it were in place in the Acetabulum. The left femur (the head at least) must be nearly in place but it dragged behind so it is "over" the hips. We have taken down the skull and about half the neck in one block so that the relation is not at all disturbed. I shall see no more of it much as I would like to do so. It is "up to" the laboratory workers now.