May 26, 1919 Mr. Earl Douglass Jensen, Utah My Dear Douglass;- I am herewith enclosing a letter which I have received from the Auditor, who has had charge of your accounts during the past year. Please take the matter in hand and try to relieve his mind of the uncertainties and explain the errors in this account as transmitted to us, and let me hear from you as soon as possible in this regard. What has ever become of the money that we paid out on account of the purchase of that land where you are? Why do we hear nothing from the national authorities in regard to refunding of that amount? There is no evidence that the slip receipting for the money was sent to my office, at least we have searched and searched and searched and there is no evidence whatever that the slip concerning which you wrote me was sent to us. I practically gave a bond to make the Government whole in case of the refund, and upon the papers submitted to you I have had no report. They were given to your original dealing. Something ought to be done about this very quickly. I have been incapacitated more or less for over four weeks by a broken leg. On the 24th of April I broke the fibula of my