Dr. Holland:- In getting the neck of the large Dinosaur out of the way we have taken up about 5 of the anterior Dorsals and one Vertebra which we though was the first or second dorsal but which appears to be a cervical. This makes the neck even longer than I supposed but tho the dorsals are large I am surprised that they are not longer. They do not look to me like the dorsals of Diplodocus and I am guessing that it is one of the sauropods which have more than 10 dorsals. Have part of two of the feet uncovered and the toe bones are very large. The end of a limb is now in sight. Can probably tell you more later. I was suprised to hear of your misfortune. Hope you are able to get around as well as ever now. Mrs. Douglass & Gawin have been in Montana for nearly two months but I expect them home before very long. As ever, Earl Douglass