Jensen, Utah, Aug. 29, 1919 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- I will give credit in my report for August for the usual $300. I think it is understood but wish to be sure that our accounts agree. We are working now just east of the bottom portion of the Old Quarry. Just now the bones exposed are mostly those of Stegosaurus. Apparently we are getting a nearly complete skeleton but disarticulated. I judge it is a continuation eastward of the material which some time ago you said was incomplete as you could not find missing parts etc. The fierce heat and drouth continue uninterruptedly. No rain except showers for nearly a year. We have a lot of material out ready for boxing. We expect to begin boxing in a few days. After our experience with the last shipment I think it best to crate