We admire the young man who hourly struggles up the mountain carrying the banner "Excelsior" whether he ever gets anywhere or not, but we should admire still more the gray headed boys who still, to the last, pursue the good here with a faith that there is still more of it beyond. Their physical burdens should be placed on younger shoulders, but the world ought to be eager to profit by their accumulated mental and spiritual wealth. You too have long ago gone beyond mans usual achievement, and I hope we may ___ see the ripest and richest fruit. Yet I think that most of us who have high ambitions, must pass away feeling that but a small portion of that which is within us has ever come to the light. Personally, though I am undoubtedly of too sensitive a nature and have sometimes been disheartened by criticism, yet, especially of late years, to bring to light things which would arouse the enthusiastic interest of Dr. Holland has been one of the most constant motives in my work. For the sake of the world as well as yourself I hope you will conserve, as much as possible, your health and strength. Yours as ever, Earl Douglass