Jensen, Utah, Nov. 22, 1919 Dr. Wm. J. Holland Carnegie Museum Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Dr. Holland:- We are having fine weather here now and are taking advantage of it to get things "rounded up" as nearly as we can before bad weather comes. Besides working out bones and skeletons we are getting down blocks, boxing etc. The East Extension looks quite a little different from what it did when I last wrote We have only one block of any considerable size of the Uintasaurus, No. 301, to take down. Have just taken down the biggest block, that containing the greater part of the pelvis with limb bones etc. The Stegosaur plot just east of the old quarry is nearly worked out. Apparently we have a practically complete skeleton here and parts of others, but the skeleton is not articulated. I think we could mount a Stego. but we have things newer and, I judge, more interesting.