I am much interested in a new skeleton which we discovered three or four days ago. It is small for a sauropod -- probably not more than 30 or 35 ft long. Apparently the bones are in good shape and it will not take long to get it out. It is apparently another one of those beasts which are unknown to science. Possibly we may have bones of the same species but if so they are still imbedded in the rock. We struck the tail, traced about a dozen caudals to the sacrum and then the dorsals to the neck. It lies on its right side and the limb bones the ribs and pelvic bones of the upper (left side) are distarticulated. Part of them appear to be near and we may get all of them. The ribs of the right side are in place. The smooth surface on the inside and between the ribs is blackened and it looks like a recent skeleton in which the skin or lining of the body cavity is not all decayed. Perhaps it will throw some light on the contents of the stomach and the nature of the food. This specimen with No. 301 which we have taken down in sections breaking across the body cavity, together with other experience in the quarry makes me believe that there is no truth in the theory that the Sauropod Dinosaurs had stomach stones. I have had hopes that we might learn something about their reproduction as we found some fragments of bones of a young Dinosaur near the posterior dorsal portion of the body cavity [in?]side the pelvis [paper fragment missing]. Three fragments