I have also had to order more lumber and plaster which will probably amount to something like $100 but have not yet recd the goods. Of course if I do not have to refund the money, I can get along so much faster. Well now, in a more cheerful vein. Since writing you we have evidently found the skull of the last Dinosaur of which I wrote you (No. 333). And it probably is articulated, but the neck runs behind other bones which we wish to take out in the same block as we felt that we could not take them out separately without endangering the neck. So we had to feel around for anterior of neck and skull. Posterior to the neck there is no disarticulation of the spinal column until we come to about the 12th caudal. Just how wide the separation is we cannot tell now as we have not done much work there. I give just the crudest diagram [sketch] from memory to show approximate position of skeleton -- part of neck and tail c__________. If the tail lies in place between A & B, or above, we seriously contemplate taking the skeleton up in one slab, unbroken. I think it would not be heavier than some which we have taken out and not so hard to handle and box. Apparently we have never found a skeleton with the bones in such excellent condition. Probably the skeleton will be something like 25 ft in length. I think I said it would be an easy job to work it out and we would soon have it out were it not that there are so many bones and blocks to be gotten out first. We are bothered so much with bones here. We find ______ much like Yankee Doodle when the houses [homes?] interfered with his getting a view of the town.