[Attached to above sheet] Earl Douglass was born in Medford, a small village in south eastern Minnesota, on the 28th day of October in 1862. Attended school in rural and village school until about twenty years of age when he began teaching. He went to South Dakota in 1886 where he worked on the farm, taught school, and attended college in the Dakota Agricultural College and in the University of Dakota. In 1890 he went on a botanical collecting trip in Mexico. On his return, he stopped at St. Louis, accepted a position as assistant under Prof. Wm. Trelease in "The Missouri Botanical Gardens". In 1891 he resigned his position and returned to South Dakota to finish his college course. In 1893, he, with most of the other students, left the college on account of existing conditions, went to the Iowa State College, and in November of the same year graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science.